2006/09/20 | Band of Horses-『Everything All the Time 』
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Band of Horses-『Everything All the Time 』

Album:Everything All the Time
Release Date: March 21, 2006
Label: Sub Pop


Band of Horses is a "new" band, in the sense that this is their debut album, but these guys have been around for quite a long time. Ben Bridwell and Matt Brooke, the main creative forces behind Band of Horses, were in a previous band, Carrisa's Weird, for many years, but that band never got anywhere.

"Everything All the Time" (10 tracks, 36 min.) brings a sound reminiscent of early My Morning Jacket, with a mix of The Band and Neil Young, and quite terrific at that. The opener "First Song" sets the table, but followed by the harder-rocking "Wicked Gil". The standout is the current radio single "The Funeral", a 5+ min. melancholic tune that resonates long after you hear it and makes you want to hear it again and again. Other highlights include the pensive, acoustic "I Go to the Barn Because I Like Her" and the closer "St. Augustine".

If you are wondering where I found out about Band of Horses, they get a lot of airplay on the internet-only station WOXY.com, the best indie-station in the country, bar none, check it out. Band of Horses is coming to Cincinnati in June, and I can't wait to see how these songs translate in a live setting. "Everything All The Time" is an outstanding album, highly recommended!

“驹之团”(Band of Horses)算是今年Sub Pop旗下推出的一个颇让人注目的新团体。“驹之团”的主脑主唱兼吉他手本·布里德维尔(Ben Bridwell)和贝司手马特·布鲁克(Mat Brook)早年是另一管弦乐流行乐团“卡里萨的维尔德”(Carissas Weird)的成员。不过这支乐团解散后他们俩便另起炉灶成立了有着淡淡乡村味的独立摇滚乐队“驹之团”。

这张《所有时候的所有事》(Everything All The Time)令我想起另一只独立摇滚乐队“我早晨的夹克衫”(My Morning Jacket)。不但在音乐的风味上同样带有淡淡的乡村味道,连主唱的嗓音都能说相似。同样的可以说是高亢,不过相比吉姆·詹姆士(Jim James)的柔顺平滑布里德尔德的嗓音可以说是略显神经质。但就这么说“驹之团”是“我早晨的夹克衫”的拷贝却是有失公允的。虽说这次为他们挎刀制作的是曾为“谦虚鼠”(Modest Mouse)制作专辑的着名混音高手菲尔·艾克(Phil Ek),但专辑还是传来着一种刻意的粗砾感,仿佛要让听者一听便知他们是来自美国的西北部。《第一首歌》(The First Song)的第一声就已经给专辑定了一种基调。几个强有力的吉他和弦配合着布里德尔飞扬的歌喉可以说在曲子的第一分钟便穿过我的身体把我的魂灵刺痛了。接着的《邪恶的吉尔》(Wicked Gil)的轰隆隆吉他如刀一样割开沉默的空气可能是专辑中仅有的一两只畅快凌厉的歌。专辑的第4轨成为最让人心碎的歌曲。歌名《葬礼》(Funeral)已然有股悲怆之息,在这5分22秒长度的歌曲里,布里德尔让人心碎的高亢之音展现的淋漓尽致,沿着强有力的扫弦一直向上,直指天空。这条歌动人之处便是在让人感到悲伤之后却又让人感知坚强。一首好歌理应如此。紧接着的《第一部分》(Part One)缺是出人意料的温柔。专辑的倒数第2首歌《怪物》(Monster)有着同《葬礼》如出一辙的气质听来也是伤心不已。最后一首《圣奥古斯丁》(St. Augustine)缓慢而沉醉,好像是在纪念一段逝去的爱情。

“驹之团”说他们是听尼尔·扬(Neil Young)的歌成长起来的,音乐的创作上有着乡村烙印也就不奇怪了。在我听来“驹之团”更像是隐匿于树林遁迹于云雾,充满神秘感。如果把专辑画一幅画,那在山林中对这峡谷,拿着吉他对空长歌的情景大概再恰当不过了。专辑整体来说节奏把握得非常恰当,情绪的起伏也恰当好处。被着名网络媒体Pitchfork评了8.8的高分也不足为怪了。喜欢“我早晨的夹克衫”的乐迷应该是最先能接受“驹之团”的,因为两只乐队确有相似之处。当然最关注他们的应该是先前“卡里萨的维尔德”的乐迷,看看从中分裂出来的“驹之团”又有怎样的吸引人之处。而他们最终都会发现,《所有时间的所有事》是容易让人沉迷的,但更容易叫人爱上。

1. The First Song
2. Wicked Gil
3. Our Swords
4. The Funeral

5. Part One
6. The Great Salt Lake
7. Weed Party
8. I Go To The Barn Cause I Like The
9. Monsters
10. St. Augustine
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