2006/09/19 | 时光流逝,伤感的雨声:Roxette《Queen of Rain》
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时光流逝,伤感的雨声:Roxette《Queen of Rain》
时光流逝,伤感的雨声:Roxette《Queen of Rain》

歌曲一开始就有华丽的旋律作引导,主唱 Marie 空灵的嗓音不停在耳边回荡。


Roxette - Queen Of Rain

In that big big house
there are fifty doors
and one of them leads to your heart.
In the time of spring
I passed your gate
and tried to make a start.
All I knew
was the scent of sea and dew
but I've been in love before, how about you?
There's a time for the good in life,
a time to kill the pain in life,
dream about the sun you queen of rain.

In that big old house
there are fifty beds
and one of them leads to your soul.
It's a bed of fear,
a bed of threats,
regrets and sheets so cold.
All I knew your eyes so velvet blue,
I've been in love before, how about you?
There's a time for the good in life...

Time went by
as I wrote your name in the sky,
fly fly away,
bye bye.

It's time to place your bets in life,
I've played the loser's game of life,
dream about the sun you queen of rain.


ROXETTE 是继 ABBA 乐队后又一横扫世界的瑞典组合。二人缔造的无数佳绩为瑞典带来无数财富和声誉,瑞典更是将二人的头像印上邮票发行,以彰显二人的功绩。而且在国内,他们两个也具有极高的人气,国内听流行摇滚的年代里要买一盒他们的卡口磁带可是得付比买普通乐队要多的多的钱的。

罗克赛特(Roxette),90年代瑞典第一支以前卫的形象和动听的摇滚流行乐风靡全球的组合。Roxette由Marie Fredriksson (1958年5月30日生于瑞典)和Per Gessle (1959年1月12日生于瑞典HALMSTAD)。Gessle在80年代初期便已成为一位独唱的歌星。Per和Marie1978年相识于哈尔姆斯塔德市的一家摇滚俱乐部,俩人都爱好美国60年代的摇滚乐。1986年,他们正式走到了一起,组建了Roxette,他们以特有的瑞典民谣风格的歌曲很快征服了瑞典进而席卷了整个美国。
